
Quincy Town Center is a retail destination and entertainment center in the heart of the 90-mile trade area that is home to more than 800,000 residents. As the largest retail center in the tri-state area and only enclosed shopping center within 75-miles, Quincy Town Center is established to area shoppers as the place to be for great shopping, food and fun.

Currently, Quincy Town Center is experiencing a dynamic redevelopment that includes improved merchandising and expansion that will add more square feet of retail space and lifestyle components. Current tenants include The Buckle, Famous Footwear, Starbucks, Slumberland, and VIP Cinemas.

Quincy Medical Group, at the 33rd Street entrance, offers a state-of-the-art Cancer Institute on their first floor, and an Outpatient Surgical Center on the second.

For more information on permanent leasing at Quincy Town Center, please visit Cullinan Properties, LTD at www.cullinanproperties.com.

309.999.1700 / 217.641.9201